Thursday, February 12, 2009

aS i pRay b4 YoU...

I raise my hands and submit to You.
I bow like I recover from a race.
I prostrate humbling my soul so blue.
I witness Your mercy and Your grace.
And when the sky is closing down
and the soil beneath me dries.
You my Lord will know what's best
and shower mercy from the skies.
I am but Your slave and I live only to please You always.
And when I'm weak, forgive me as You do in Your kind ways.
And when I stand up from my knees
and my breath is light and easy.
I know that there's a place for me
that's warm and mildly breezy.
Here I stand with Your words in my mouth
and skipping off my tongue.
and no matter where I am in life ....
before You I am young.
The sense of ease and comfort
Your book brings into my life...
In the times I needed it most,
like when I was failing as a wife.
when my family struggled with sickness
and my heart it seemed too broken.
It was all I needed in my hand,
The words of God forever spoken.
I only wish that others could relate to what I boast about.
A prayer and Book,
if they'd only take a look,
and all doubts would soon blow out.



Anonymous said...

hello nadya....I am the author of the poem above, yes I am repenter86....I'm glad you enjoyed my write, and I'm happy you are sharing it with others, nice website.....salam.

nadya said...

yup...repenter86...i really luv diz poem...its really touch my heart...thanx ya