Wednesday, October 14, 2009

SewaRna...i LikE!!!

Berlari lari ku kepada mu..
Saat ku jumpa mu di mimpiku
Lalu ku luah kan rasa rindu
Melukiskan indah senyumanmu
Hembuskan rinduku tinggi di awanan
Indahnya cinta disuluh rembulan
Engkaulah bintang engkaulah pilihan
Anugerah-Nya tiada bandingan
Takkan pernah aku menginginkan mu
Menangis karena ku
Jatuh cinta padamu
Sesaat kau jauh..
Tak terbatas ruang minda ku kerna
Menerima dirimu seadanya
Separuh hatiku tertinggal
Hanya untukmu jua..oooo
Takkan pernah kaki ini melangkah
Pergi jauh tinggalkan segala
Hitam putihKu satukannya sewarna...

suke sgt lirik lagu n melodi die...ermmm *wink*wink!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Nie Mumu...tomey sgt die...mekacih kat org yg bagi Mumu nie...hehehe tiap2 tahun dapat brg2 yg de kaitan ngan Mumu nie...tapi xpe...suke jer...hehe tenkiu dear!Sharing everything wif u is d best thing eva i had in my life...May all our dreams come true ya...mase 2 da nak byk sgt kene blaja ttg life nie...May Allah bless us two!!!
love is not a loving thing
love is something from me to you
love does not hurt nor does it sting
love is something that keeps me true
love makes you want to sing
love is what i hold for you too
love is what i need to feel
love is something with a solid seel
love is a lot
love does not hold a solid knot
love to me is You
love is what is between us two
love is here forever something you will help me through
love is this poem love will show em
love does not make us cry
By Layla mohammed

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

PeDoMan HiduP...KembaLiLah HaTi Yg SuCi

Dah hampir 2mgu xupdate blog nie…spnjg mgu yg aku lalui nie byk sgt prkare yg aku hadapi…penat+lesu+epi+bekecamuk+xde perasaan pon ade…diz weekend ne g bengkel penulisan jurnal plak kat Klana Resort Seremban. Hope everything will b ok la kat sane…gain new experience lg r ngan students PhD huuu terase diri ni kerdil pule bsame ngan bakal2 dr falsafah nti…huhuhu xpela yg penting dpt input 2…rite now ngah bz sgt2 ngan CIMS development…kdg2 rase lost n mcm nak lari jer dr wat sume 2…tp da aku yg pilih jln nie so ne truskan gak r…bkn snang nak jd org yg bjaye kan…kene byk2 sbr n sntiase istiqamah n yg plg pntg sntiase upgrade dri nie…nasib baik de tman,kwn2 n lecturer yg salu bg sokongan…Alhamdulillah kurniaan Ilahi…credits 2 my luvly mama,ayie,dbah,ct n dr juhana…so far dorang la tempat aku sharing2… skrg ni cam da tensen tahap gaban da nie 2 r g update blog…waaaa rase nak nangis pon ade neh…huuu da nangis da pon…Ya Allah berilah aku kekuatan mengharungi jalan yg tlah Kau tetapkan….

Riang2 senyumku,
Gusar2 tangisku,
Aku bingung,
Aku lesu,
Terkadang hilang arah,hilang pedoman,
Pada Dia aku bergantung harapan,
Kukait kembali sejadah iman,
Kenapa iman itu mudah goyah?
Kenapa pendirian itu terlalu rapuh?
Bisakah aku menjadi lg seperti aku yg dulu?
Teguh pendirian,cekal hadapi cabaran…
Terkadang aku mula bosan!
Bosan dengan kehidupan…
Kehidupan aku yang penuh noda hitam…
Aku ingin kembali ke jalan itu…
Hadapi segala dgn tenang…
Tolonglah aku,pergilah engkau dariku,
Wahai sang hati yang gelap…
Aku ingin sekali bebas menjadi merpati putih yg suci,
Melayari bahtera kehidupan dgn penuh pedoman,
Pergilah engkau jauh dariku,
Ya Allah Rabbul Izzati…
Dgrlah rintihan hambaMu yg kerdil ini…
Tunjukkanlah aku pedomanMu…
Agar aku kembali tenang menjalani hari2 ku…

~huuu finally terhasil juge satu puisi luahan hati dikala tengahari nan sunyi ini…heeee sume org g lunch…tp malas nak kuar r…tgk r jap g sape yg mnjadi mgse utk tmaniku ke cafĂ© yg bartender baru itu…hehehe…last but not least…smoge Allah mudahkan semuanye…Sayang sume orang!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

GuRLz DaY oUt...besday Ct..

26 june ari 2 celeb besday cik ct zahidah yg kami sayangi kat putrajaya...huhu kalut2 xtau nak celeb cane last2 dpt idea neh hope die suke lah eh... nilah hasil snap2 gambo kitorang...anyway epi besday ct nur... sue,uda,ct n liena

K.A.M.Ibesday cake...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

RanCanG HiDuP RanCaNg WaNg...

Ermmm...skrg ni ngah bace buku gak...juz nak share ngan sume tryla bace buku nie...byk ilmu baru pasal pengurusan wang dpt kite blaja...n including pengurusan hidup n harte...biase yang kite tgk org titikberatkan adelah tentang dari mane sumber kite dapat wang kan...tapi jarang yg menitikberatkan kemana wang tu dibelanjekan...ermmm same goes 2 me...sebenarnye kedua2 2 sama penting...kdg2 kite xsedarkan wang kite 2 dibelanjekan ke arah yg salah n syubahat...padahal setiap sen yang kite belanjekan 2 akan ditanye di akhirat kelak...waaaa takutnyer...kene recheck balik aliran perbelanjaan nie...huhu kat sini nak share sket r ngan sume ape yg sy dpt dari buku nie...antarenye ialah...
Bagaimana merancang kewangan anda:
  1. Melihat siapa dan dimana anda (sedar kemampuan diri kot...huhu)
  2. Mengira nilai bersih harte anda
  3. Menyediakan aliran tunai anda
  4. Mengenali keperluan kewangan anda
  5. Mengenalpasti kesanggupan risiko anda
  6. Mengenalpasri tindakan dan lakukan (tgk dulu patut x beli pe yg nak beli 2)
  7. Melindungi pelaburan anda melalui takaful
  8. Meyusun maklumat pelaburan
  9. Memantau dan melihat kembali pelaburan dgn berkala
  10. Perlu ada gol kewangan (kene ade targetla...khwin,kete,anak2,mase tua, n etc.)

Lagi satu nak share gak pasal solat Dhuha. Pengamalan solat nie sgt bagus dapat membuke pintu rezeki kite. Mintak je pada Allah sebab selagi itu terbaik buat kite DIA akan bagi... =) xsalah mohon utk jadi kaye sebab bile kaye byk perkara baik lain yg boleh kite jalankan spt zakat,sedekah n haji...bukan ke 2 lebih baik...semoga Allah memberikan kekayaan kepada kite dan menambahkan ketaqwaan kite padaNya...amiin

Firman Allah dalam menerangkan hal Rasulullah s.a.w

"Dan ketika kami mendapati kamu miskin maka Kami mengkayakan kamu." (Al-Dhuhaa:8)

Friday, June 12, 2009

JauH di SuDuT HaTi...

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Sayang Kubawa jauh rinduku
Kerna akau telah tahu
Kau bukan milikku
Sayang Sesunguhnya bukan mudah
Menjalani hidup ini Tanpa kau di sisi
Jauh disudut hati
Aku masih bermimpi
Mimpi yang indah
Esok kau kembali
Jauh di sudut hati
Ada waktu-waktunya
Aku berdoa Kau pulang semula
Sayang Biar ku mengingatimu
Biar kugantung harapan
Hingga sampai waktu Nafas terakhirku
Sayang Kubawa jauh rinduku
Kerna akau telah tahu
Kau bukan milikku
Sayang Sesunguhnya bukan mudah
Menjalani hidup ini Tanpa kau di sisi
Jauh disudut hati
Aku masih bermimpi
Mimpi yang indah
Esok kau kembali
Jauh di sudut hati
Ada waktu-waktunya
Aku berdoa Kau pulang semula
Sayang Biar ku mengingatimu
Biar kugantung harapan
Hingga sampai waktu Nafas terakhirku

##ngah pilih2 lagu tetibe terjumpe lagu nie...ermmm sgt syahdu...wuuuu semoge semuanye dipermudahkan...##

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Kenape sedih?kenapa menangis?
Ntahla…die xcall hari nie…
Msg pon xberbalas…
Sibuk sgt ke die tu?
Sampai xde mase langsung utk aku?
Ermmm…Kadang2 rase sedih sgt2
Bile org yg di sayangi xdpt luangkan mase utk kite kan?
Ape la yg die sibukkan sgt sampai sesaat pon xde mase utk kite…
Then kite pon fikirla bukan2…last2 gado…
Bile die mntak maaf ngade2 plak xnak maafkan…

Pernah x kite terfikir yg kite ni slalu
Buat perkara yang same pade Yang Menyayangi kite?
Suke hati kite je kan xhargai DIA yg dah byk bg nikmat kat kite
Suke hati kite je kan lupe kan DIA waktu kite terlalu hepi or bz
Suke hati kite je kan buat DIA tertunggu2 kehadiran kite di setiap sudut waktu
Kite abaikan tanggungjawab kite kat DIA
Kite ni xsedar ke yg hari2 n tiap mase DIA tunggu kite
DIA nak dengar bisikan rndu kite utk DIA
Sibuk sgt ke kite nie sampai xde mase utk DIA?
Kuat sgt ke kite nie kalau xde pertolongan dari DIA?
Pandai sgt ke kite nie kalau xde akal n kudrat yg DIA bagi?
Bile susah baru kie sibuk2 cari DIA kan…
Mengadu nasib n mntak tolong…
Cube kalau kite manusia nie mesti da kate tata titi tutu da kat org tu…
Tapi DIA x…DIA bagi ape yg terbaik..
DIA terima taubat kite…DIA maafkn kesalahn kite yg menimbun tu…
DIA bagi lagi kite peluang yg dah brape juta kali ntah…
Sedar x kite semua tu?sygnye DIA kat kite…
DIA tetap disana memberi yg terbaik buat kite…
Semoga DIA ampunkan kite dan merahmati kite semua…

Aku disini mencoret bukan kerana nama…
Sekadar meluah rase berkongsi idea dan ilham yg DIA berikan…
Terkadang diri nie pon tersasar dari landasan itu…
Malu dgn DIA yg terus-terusan memberi peluang kpdku…
Ampunilah aku insan hina penuh noda penuh dosa…
Berilah aku sinar itu utk aku terus berjalan di dunia penuh kelam ini…
Hanya padaMU selayaknya aku merintih, merindu dan memohon kasih syg…
Hadirkanlah cintaku utkMU melebihi segala2nya…Aaamiin…

~at my room 10 June 2009 1.52am afta tersedar dari “mimpi” terus dpt ilham nak mencoret post kali nie~

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BLiND GiRL WhO HaTeD HeRsELf....

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she's blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He's always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too, and refused to marry him.

Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying. "Just take care of my eyes dear." This is how human brain changes when the status changed.Only few remember what life was before, and who's always been there even in the most painful situations.

Life Is A Gift Today before you think of saying an unkind word, Think of someone who can't speak Before you complain about the taste of your food,Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife, Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.Today before you complain about life Think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn't clean or sweep Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning…

Moral of d story:
~Be grateful of what u have…yala sometimes kite nie susah sgt nak bersyukur dgn ape yg kite ade....
~Kepayahan 2 adalah satu nikmat yang sgt besar kan…Bersyukur atas dugaan adalah lebih baik dari bersyukur mendapat nikmat…
~Do appreciate everything that we had...

Sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216:
".......Dan boleh jadi kamu benci akan sesuatu sedang ia lebih baik bagimu, Dan boleh jadi kamu kasihi sesuatu sedang ia melarat kepadamu. DanAllah mengetahui tetapi kamu tidak mengetahui.........."
waallahu alam…


Sunday, May 31, 2009

WeDdiNg KaK JuLaiHa & aBg BoHaiRi...

Yesterday was kak a’s wedg wif abg bohairi 31st May 2009…my hubby’s sista…it was best ever knduri coz d event was very unique la…xmacam knduri2 lain…tetamu dijamu ngan mknan2 cam kat pesta2 yg salu kite g… kat luar dewan de macam2 gerai yg kite leh pilih sndri…de rojak,cendol,nasi aym,mskn bugis,kambing golek n mcm2 lg r…ermm sgt2 menarik…de plan neh 4 d next event might b mine???hehehe rase hepi sgt2 smalam…pelamin pon sgt cantik mcm kat hotel pon ade…n tetamu pon sgtla ramai…my hubby yg konon2 bz 2 pon xsempat nak melayan tetamu yg ade…me n my luvly sist dyla really njoy d knduri n snapping2 everywhere yg rase bleh snap hehe…smalam around 4pm smpai umah..n kat bwh nie de la beberape pics yg best kot…hehehe nak tgk click r yer…so next time la smbg blogging…nak wat keje yg menimbun 2…

from us 2 kak a n abg bohairi

me with my dear...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Warrghhh...lately so bz wif my "project runway" hehehe...not about designing dress or whatever yg seangkatan ngan nyer but developing my Chemical Inventory Control Mgmt pening nak siapkan mende far interface da dsign r juz part database yg wat my brain stop working...hahaha...but ngan bantuan n sokongan my supervisor insyaAllah bleh r...blom register lg master neh baru nak reg diz june tp da dev system dolu...maybe diz way lg bagos kot nanti da reg juz focus on writing...blh ker nie...???one more thing diz system nak diaplikasikan ngan RFID...huhu ne study gak r part RFID nie...mase ITEX 2009 ari 2 de r jln2 kat booth lain...ermmm de gak r dpt info pasal RFID nie plus cari jurnal2 yg bkaitan...ngeh3...hope dapat r dimudahkan pekerjaanku ini...huhuhu ne tau next year dpt masuk ITEX 2010 n dapat gold...erkkk berangan kat bwh ni de r info sket pasal RFID...=p

A Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag is a microchip that is capable of transmitting a unique serial number and other additional data through RF(radio frequency) signals. The goal of a RFID system is to identify objects remotely by embedding tags into the objects. For example, goods in shops can be tagged in order to provide automatic theft-detection, or to manage the goods inventory by using wireless scanning without any handwork. RFID tags are useful tools in manufacturing, supply chain management, inventory control, etc....
Wahai orang-orang Yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi Segala kesukaran Dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara Yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan).
~Semoga rahmat Allah sentiasa bersama kita semua~

Monday, May 25, 2009

mY LiFe WitH HeRbaLife+TM...

Alhamdulillah...finally i found it...yela dulu salu gak mengalami maslah ksihatan...hehehe tp since da amalkan produk2 yg best giler nie everything smakin ok...tenkiu pade org2 yg memperkenlkan produk2 ini...actually amik HL nie coz nak turunkan brat bdn...hehe nak jadik sht sket...amik HL nie twice a day bfast n lunch...sedap giler skrg amik flav choc+cappucino...mlm mkn cam bese r tp kurangkan lemak2...hehe so far nak dkat sbulan amik n alhamdulillah trun sket...hehe sket jer tp xnampak lg kesan die...tang brat mmg xnampak sgt tp ari 2 g ukur kat center inches da trun sket bestnyer xsabar nak turun lg...hehehe de sorang membe skola dulu amik HL brat die dolu 100++ n da trun almost 30kg n skrg nampak cun giler...maybe bleh jd my idol 2 hehehe tp yg paling best part ksihatan la...salu xstabil kalo priod but pas amik HL nie tepat pade masenye...Alhamdulillah nak bgn pagi pon snang sgt amalkan TM kesihatanku dah btambah baik...memule 2 jer malas tol nak gune mende bile da tkene sakit 2 n try amalkan minum TM nie rase da ok sgt...tenkiu 2 my hubby...pasni kene amalkan btol2 r...senang jer juz bancuh air+pati sunquick n ltak 30 titis TM n mnum...huhu memule dulu bkn main mls n xmo gune mende nie...ermmm yela nak hidup yg lebeh shat...bkn pe Allah dah jadikan kite elok2 xkan nanti nak kembali padeNya dlm keadaan yg xberape ok...kalo blh nak la pulang dgn baik...insyaAllah...So 4 diz time sy akan truskan mnguunakan produk2 yg best giler nie...byk sgt khasiat die...juz nak share ngan people out there...smoge memberi manfaat....kot2 la nak try produk nie leh r cari ek or juz contact me 2 know more details...huhuhu...
::LoVe HL::LoVe TM::

Sunday, May 24, 2009

SuRataN aTau KebetuLaN...

Sesuatu yang tak disangka
Seringkali mendatangi kita
Itukah suratan dalam kehidupan
Atau hanya satu kebetulan
Kita asyik membicarakan
Persoalan hidup dan pilihan
Sedang kejujuran semakin berkurang
Masih tiada bertemu jawapan
Walau kita dihadapkan
Dengan berbagai pilihan
Mengapa sering terjadi
Pilihan tak menepati
Hingga amat menakutkan
Menghadapi masa depan
Seolah telah terhapus
Sebuah kehidupan yang kudus
Pertemuan sekali ini
Bagi diriku amat bererti
Tetapi ku bimbang untuk menyatakan
Bimbangkan berulang kesilapan
~tersentuh plak tetibe arini dgr lagu neh...huhu kejiwangan melande diri...ermmm yala sumtimes terfikir gak everything yg happened nie suratan atau kebetulan...but of coz sume 2 da takdir Allah kan...whatever it is im very grateful coz i met sumeone really special in my life...thank u Allah coz u gave me him...rase cam da byk sgt face suke duke ngan die...i really2 hope n pray 2 Allah 2 b wif him...mama pon luvs him so much...hehehe mama always gimme advice bout our rlationship...hope kberkatan mama 2 dapat membahagiakan both of us...walaupon byk dugaan yg bakal kami tempuhi...Aaamiin...~

Monday, May 11, 2009

mErEnUnG kE dLm diRi...

Sudah jauh perjalanan kuharungi
Meniti titi usia sendiri
Mencari apa ku pun tak pasti…
Mengungkap tirai semalam
Penuh noda penuh kelam
Lisan ku kelu hatiku terbungkam
Ku menyesali kesilapan silam…
Merungkai jendela hari muka
Diam-diam hatiku berdoa
Memohon petunjuk dari Yang Esa
Agar bahagia hakiki bakal ku jumpa…
Merenung ke dalam diri
Kini kuyakin kini kupasti
Aku telah terjumpa cinta yang kucari
Cinta sejati Rabbul Izzati…
Menyingkap tabir senja
Aku insan biasa penuh alpa
Tak pernah lari dari dosa dan noda
Namun hatiku terus-terusan berdoa
Agar aku terus disini bersama cinta Yang Esa…
Menanti di sini
Di perhentian yang tak pasti
Dunia yang tak pernah kumengerti
Bersama harapan yang menggunung tinggi
Di alam yang kekal abadi nanti
Bahagia hakiki yang kutemui…
Semoga diriku yang kerdil ini
sentiasa mendapat petunjuk dariNya
Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

SuRaT uTk MaMa....

Buat mama yg tersayang…hari ni hari ibu…
anak mama ni nak ucap selamat hari ibu kat mama…
hadiah dah bagi dah tp xtau mama suke ke tak…hehe
mama tau x yg anak mama ni syg sgt2 kat mama…
walaupon kdg2 anak mama ni slalu wat mama marah…
mama xpernah kecik hati dan mama slalu maafkan anak mama yg byk karenah nie…
mama, teringat sgt satu peistiwa yg menyayat hati…
mase 2 anak mama ni nak mintak keluar rumah tapi mama xbagi…
ape lagi memberontak bagai nak gila la…
boleh x anak mama ni kata mama xsyg dia…mama lbih sygkan adik2…
teruk betul kan…lepas mama smbhyg maghrib anak mama ni terus peluk mama…
mintak ampun…sebab anak mama ni tau dia lah yg paling byk wat salah ngan mama…
tapi ape yg mama ckp sgt menyentuh naluri anakmu ini…
mama kate mama dah lame ampunkan dosa2 anak mama ni…
dan xpernah berdosa pun dgn mama….
Ya Allah…mulianya hati mama sucinya hati mama…
Padahal terlalu byk anak mama ni sakiti mama… Sudahnye kite nangis same2... byknye airmata mama mase 2... anak mama nie lagi la abis basah telekung mama... yela kite same2 ratu airmate kan...huhu Masa terus berlalu kan mama…
Anak mama nie dah besar dah…besar sgt pulak tu…hehe
Nie semua hasil tungkus lumus mama menjual nasi lemak…
Dulu mama ade cerita yang orang lain xpercaya mama boleh besarkan
Anak mama ni sorang2…yelah lahir2 je anak mama ni suami xde di sisi…
Tapi sangkaan diorang semua meleset kan ma…
Mama dah Berjaya…anak mama nie pun da masuk unversiti…
Teringat mase hari 2 mama nangis sebab ingat kenangan lalu…
Tapi tula kan ma, Allah tu selalu ade dgn insan yg sabar…
Mama lah wanita penyabar yang sgt anak mama sanjungi…
Mama lah idola dihatiku…
Tanpa mu mama anak mu ini xkan jadi sperti hari nie…
Masanya akan tiba mama…mama sabar ye…
Dya janji dgn izin Allah sedaya upaya Dya akan bahagiakan mama…
Cuma dya mohon doa restu mama untuk Dya Berjaya dunia akhirat…
Akhir kalam…terima kasih mama untuk semuanya…
Kau ciptakan damai dalam hatiku bila aku memandangmu…
Kau ciptakan indah dalam lelapku bila kau rangkul dalam kasih sygmu…
Sayang mama sangat2…
p/s: rindu mama mode...hehe may Allah bless u ma...mmmmuah!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

~thaNks ct nur....

Special thanx 2 my sweeeeet fwen ct nur...hehe luv 2 call her ct nur dunno y since mase practical dulu i called her dat name..(suka suki jer tukar name org kan...jgn mare ye ct=p) ermmm she gave me something dat really useful 4 me...thanx darl 4 ur concern...yala lately mmg cam stress sket...but not really trying 2 manage my stress very2 well...mayb de improvement sket kot...huhu i listened 2 d cd...quite intrestg...of cos la rite coz dato dr fadzilah kamsah yg bceramah kan...anyway my dear thanx alot 4 d cd...May Allah bless us darl n ukhuwah fillah abdan abada....luv u ct nur!!
"Tidak sempurna iman seseorang selagi dia tidak mengasihi saudaranya sepertimana dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Yesterday i bought a new book...kinda motivation book "keluarkan singa drpd diri anda"... i read almost 1/4 of diz book n i found d content is quite intresting...lots of inspiration 2 continue my journey in diz life n hereafter...i tot diz book is very suitable 4 my i wanna buy it 4 him 2 all my buddies outside jomla beli buku nie...sgt menarik...hehe ok thats all 4 2day...wanna smbg my CIMS...=)
"Winners must have 2 things: definite goals and a burning desire to achieve them"
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda " Sesungguhnya Allah sgt senang dan gembira melihat hambaNya bersusah payah dalam mencari rezeki yang halal"
So from now on I must work hard 2 achieve what Allah loves...May Allah bless us...Aamiiin=)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


ermmm...everyone penah rase stress rite...same goes 2 me...haha especially when lots of work 2 do...sumtimes when people around us down pon kite terjebak gak...huhu when we fell down pun lg la stress rite...but Allah luvs us thats y Allah nak uji kite how we can manage our stress kan...n when Allah tries us wif hardship He rewards wonderful Allah creates every single thing in diz world i found some quote...juz wanna share wif others...
Some Additional Reminders When in Stress
Remember that sickness expiates evil deeds and wipes out sins. Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
“When Allah wants to be good to someone, He tries him with some hardship.”

Abu Hurairah also reports that Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him, said:
“For every misfortune, illness, anxiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim-even the hurt caused by the pricking of a thorn - Allah removes some of his sins.”
Ibn Mas’ud said: “I visited the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him,while he had a fever. I exclaimed: ‘O Messenger of Allah! You have a highfever! ‘ He said: ‘My fever is as much as two among you [might have]. ‘ Iasked: ‘Is it because you have a double reward?’ He replied: ‘Yes, that is right.No Muslim is afflicted with any hurt, even if it is no more than the pricking of athorn, but Allah wipes off his sins because of it and his sins fall away from him as leaves fall from a tree‘.”
Abu Hurairah (r) said: “The Prophet, peace be upon him, remarked: ‘The example of a believer is like a fresh tender plant; from whichever direction the wind blows, it bends the plant. But when the wind dies down, it straightens up again. (Similarly a believer is tested by afflictions to strengthen his faith and heart, and he remains patient and firm). And an evil person is like a pine tree which remains hard and stiff until Allah breaks it whenever He wills.”
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1

Monday, April 20, 2009

tHe goOd oLd DaYs...

This is my fmly sebelah arwah abah...eventhough abah left me almost 23years ago (a day b4 i can see diz fatamorgana 10th July 1986) my relationship with all of them r still strong...i luv them all wif full of my heart...arwah atok, nenek,pakngah n his fmily,paklang,pak ndak,acu n his fmily, my closest n fav aunty makteh n acuama, my closest csin iena...ermm i feel grateful 2 Allah bcoz He gave me a great luv n rlationship in diz world...may Allah bless us...Al-Fatihah 4 arwah abah n atok...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Coming back from all d messy thing hahaha...feel so hepi 2day coz i manage 2 do lots of work without menyimpang...kakaka but rite now menyimpang 4 a pening doing my CIMS...huhu but alhamdulillah thats what Allah wants me 2 do...ermmm it was amanah from Allah must do it btol2...hehe years,months,weeks,days,hours,mnutes, scnds n everything yg seangkatan dgnnye past i in d rite track? ermmm... sumtimes we never prasan everything happened in our life... sumtimes we really hate when bad things happen in our life...but who are we??? we r just a slave of Allah so juz follow what Allah wants us 2 do... i learnt alot from people around me... i remember 1 day when sum1 told me about my prangai... haaa he said im kinda emo n xleh nak control stress...arghhh how emo i am that time feel like nak nangis... how people can see my weaknesses... ermmm...first time feel xnak terima what he told me... but finally i think twice...muhasabah myself...ya he was rite... actly so ramai told me that im type of emo person but diz time more menusuk hati dunno y... n 2day i feel so hepi bcoz i know Allah luvs me...Allah wants me 2 change n b a better person...dats y Allah give me all d people around me... ya everything has a reason... how far i run if Allah wants it 2 happen it will happen... n vice versa... Allah gives us tarbiyah without we realizing it... Allah luvs us... thats y everything happen we need 2 accept it....yaaa.... dear Allah... thanx 4 d chances U gave me... thanx 4 d person U gave me... n thanx 4 d love U gave me... THANK U ALLAH..... thats all 4 2day... need 2 contnue my CIMS...hehehe
p/s: I mish my Mama 2day...waaa homesicknyer rase...wanna hug my Mama...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i WoNdER...

If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) visited you, just for a day or two
If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you would do?
Oh I know you would give your nicest room,
to such an honored guest
And you would surely serve him, your very very best.
You would be your finest, cause you're glad to have him there
That serving him in you're home, would be a joy without compare.
But when you see him coming, would you meet him at the door
With your arms outstretched in welcome,
for your respected visitor.
Or would you run to change your clothes, before you let him in
And hide some magazines to put the Quran, where they had been?
Would you still watch those movies, on your TV set
Or would you switch it off, before he gets terribly upset.
Would you turn off the radio, and hope that he had not heard
And wish that you did not sing, that song word by word?
Would you hide your worldly things,
and instead take the Hadith books out
Could you let him walk right in, or would you rush about?
And I wonder...if the Prophet (SAW) spent, a day or two with you
Would you go on doing the things, that you always do?
Would you go right on and say the things, that you always say
Would life for you continue, as it does from day to day.
Would your family conversations, keep up their usual pace
And would you find it hard at each meal, to say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer,
without putting on a frown
And would you always jump up early, to say your Fajr at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing,
and read the books you read
And let him know the things on which,
your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the Prophet (SAW) with you,
everywhere you plan to go?
Or would you maybe change your plans, just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet, your very closest friends
Or, would you hope they stay away, until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay, forever on and on
Or would you sigh with great relief, when at last he has gone.
It might be interesting to know,
the things that you would really do
If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came,
to spend some time with you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

d bEst GiFt...

my dear dyla n badrul...
kak dya really loves both of u,
eventhough we were from dfrent abah,
i love both of u more than words,
all the days without u were empty 2 me,
my dear dyla...
do u still remember when i were 8th n u were 4th?
hahaha...kak dya cant 4get d incident,
in front of masjid shah alam,
i were a supergirl saved u from get hit by car,
u were so noty hanging around without mama n abah,
alhamdulillah nothing happened 2 u n me,
we always fought each other until mama bcome a raksasa,
hahaha...i still remember when mama 'libas' my feet bcos of u,
i felt really angry dat time,
but now i know,
i shouldnt angry bcoz it was my fault,
im d eldest so i should surrender...
sometimes u make me hurt,
but its ok bcoz we were sisters...
n u know my dear sist i really love u...
my dear badrul...
ermmm u are my superhero,
eventhough u were my youngest u always protect me,
but y u always call me 'mokpol'?
i hate u lah...thats y untill now i never kurus...hehehe (juz alasan)
u look very tough my bro,
but i know indeep of ur heart u were really sensitive,
kak dya still remember when u were 7th or 8th,
u cried juz bcoz u cant get d stuff dat u really want,
u always cried when u dun wanna go 2 school,
u always cried when i cried...hehehe
thats y i luv u..
my dear dyla n badrul...
day by day time passed by,
we grow up 2gether,
but we were too far away as far as our ages,
nothing i can say juz my doa to both of u,
i wanna c both of u have a hepi life,
be a great n real muslims,
never 4get mama n abah,
n always help each other,
i promise both of u,
i never let us separate,
i will always love both of u,
bcoz u were d best gift from Allah...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have to live with myself, and so I want to be fit for myself to know. I want to be able, as days go by, Always to look myself straight in the eye. I don't want to stand with the setting sun, And hate myself for things I have done. I don't want to keep on a closet shelf A lot of secrets about myself, And fool myself, as I come and go, Into thinking that nobody else will know The kind of a woman I really am; I don't want to dress up myself in shame. I want to go out with my head erect, I want to deserve all men's respect; But here in the struggle for fame and pelf I want to be able to like myself I don't want to look at myself and know That I'm bluster and bluff, an empty show. I can never hide myself from me; I see what others may never see. I know what others may never know, I never can fool myself, and so, Whatever happens, I want to be Self-respecting and conscience free.
By: Edgar A. Guest

Monday, February 16, 2009


It's ashame that it had to be this way
It's not enough to say I'm sorry
Maybe I'm to blame
Or maybe were the same
But either way I can't breathe
Either way I can't breathe
All I had to say is goodbye
Were better off this way
I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive
Cause everything were been through
And everything about you
Seemed to be a lie
A guiltless twisted lie
It made me learn to hate you
Or hate myself for letting it pass by
And every, everything isn't only
What it seemed so hold these
Words that you never told me
Its time to say goodbye
Take my hand away
Spell it out
Tell me I was wrong
So goodye….

Thursday, February 12, 2009

aS i pRay b4 YoU...

I raise my hands and submit to You.
I bow like I recover from a race.
I prostrate humbling my soul so blue.
I witness Your mercy and Your grace.
And when the sky is closing down
and the soil beneath me dries.
You my Lord will know what's best
and shower mercy from the skies.
I am but Your slave and I live only to please You always.
And when I'm weak, forgive me as You do in Your kind ways.
And when I stand up from my knees
and my breath is light and easy.
I know that there's a place for me
that's warm and mildly breezy.
Here I stand with Your words in my mouth
and skipping off my tongue.
and no matter where I am in life ....
before You I am young.
The sense of ease and comfort
Your book brings into my life...
In the times I needed it most,
like when I was failing as a wife.
when my family struggled with sickness
and my heart it seemed too broken.
It was all I needed in my hand,
The words of God forever spoken.
I only wish that others could relate to what I boast about.
A prayer and Book,
if they'd only take a look,
and all doubts would soon blow out.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Do you wish the World were better?
Let me tell you what to do:
Set a watch upon your actions,
Keep them always straight and true.
Rid your mind of selfish motives,
Let your thoughts be clean and high.
You can make a little Eden Of the sphere you occupy.
Do you wish the World were wiser?
Then suppose you make a start,
By accumulating wisdom In the scrap book of your heart .
Do not waste one page on folly;
Live to learn and learn to live.
If you want to give men knowledge You must get it ere you give.
Do you wish the World were happy?
Then remember day by day,
Just to scatter seeds of kindness,
As you pass along the way.
For the pleasures of the many,
May be oft times traced to one.
As the hand that plants an acorn,
Shelters armies from the sun.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

AllaH iS tHe BeSt pLaNneR... still here 2day...thank u Allah 4 giving me diz chance...waaa...i got some feedback la from what i posted ysterday...ermmm tenkiu...may Allah bless all of u...bout jiwang 2 mmg la im kinda jwang one..hahaha xdpt dinafikan lg...but its ok what as long as x kaco jiwa org...huhuhu...2day i got new must go on babe...tringat what my friend said...ALLAH IS THE BEST nothing 2 worry as long as we juz follow what Allah wants...Allah knows d best for us rite...? whatever it is juz accept everything happen in ur life...down2 2 bese r kan...xkan almost of d time nak hepi jer...xchalenging r life nie...=)
"It was made obligatory upon you, to fight in the path of God and though it is disliked by you, and it may happen that any thing may be disliked by you and that may be in your favour, and it may happen that anything may be liked by you and that may not be in your favour, and Allah knows and you do not know" Al-Baqarah(216)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

BeAuTiFuL dAy...

Alhamdulillah...2day i feel better than yestrday...ermmm 2day wanna balik rumah...2weeks i left my mama...hehe baru 2weeks da kecoh rite?=p yela i hv no 1 but mama...she knew me...she undrstands evry single thing bout me...sharing evrything wif her is d best thing ever in my 2 cry wif her, laugh wif her, n d most of all when im in her embracement...i feel so warm n calm..mama...i really luv u...can wait 2 c u 2day ma...May Allah bless u ma...MAMA I LOVE U FILLAH...~hepi 2 be me...=p

So fAr aWay fOr FaR tOo LoNg...

2day i feel so bad lah...dunno a bit worried bout my future...what my life gonna be i in d right position?am i choose d right path...dear Allah please help me...i admit sumtimes i'd been too far from U...but please 4give all my sins...dear Allah...i wanna b with U...i wanna b d one who always remember U, love U, n do everything bcoz of U...i felt ashame whenever i said i love U but d real thing i didnt felt it...dear Allah...i know U always b there 4 me, pliz listen 2 my me d right path...dear Allah, i m no one without U...

Monday, February 2, 2009

i dont wanna loose u...

I know at times I
have not been the best,
and there were times
that I have failed your tests.
There were days
when you were oh-so alone,
a couple of sad times
with no-one's fault but my own.
I would give you anything I can,
anything at all,
I wish I could be there
to catch every tear that might fall.
I wish that forever
wasn't just a word you say.I
love you,
dear, please don't go away.
I may not be
your knight in shinning armor,
as you see,but only for you
I am being the best I can be.
I love you even more than you know,
you never leave me,
you're in my heart wherever I go.
Please be beside me
and hold me so tight,
encourage me that things
will be all right,
That I am not wrong for
loving a person like you,
a person who makes
all of my dreams come true.
A true person I am,
as I always will be,I
have been very stupid lately,
please forgive me.
Give me one more chance,
maybe two,
but whatever happens
I don't ever want to lose you...

Another chance...

How often we wish for another chance
to make a fresh beginning.
A chance to blot out our mistakes
And change failure into winning.
It does not take a new day
To make a brand new start,
It only takes a deep desire
To try with all our heart.
To live a little better
And to always be forgiving
And to add a little sunshine
To the world in which we're living.
So never give up in despair
And think that you are through,
For there's always a tomorrow
And the hope of starting new...
(Helen Steiner Rice)